Saturday 5 July 2014

No Reply from Tricks with Clicks? Read here WHY

Isn't it the worst?

You have a question so you send an email but you don't receive a response.....

As much as I hate this situation, but this is what happened to me now!

There has been some problem between my homepage and my email provider, so therefore I wasn't able to reply to all of you in time.

I would like to apologize and I can most certainly ensure you, that everybody has received a response now!

Stay tuned for a new competition soon!

Cornelia x

Thursday 13 March 2014

The Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier was named after John (Jack) Russell who was a hunting enthusiast. With his dog "Trump" he started to breed the now very common white-brown dog to have a good and trustworthy hunting dog.
The fearless and brave companion was mainly used for fox hunting, which explains his short and compact size.
John Russell's goal was to breed a small enough terrier who is able to slip into fox buildings to scare the fox out, but also to follow them and help his human to hunt the fox.

Out of his breeding line, two different type's of the Jack Russell terrier's were created.
The long legged Parson Russell terrier and the small quadrate Jack Russell Terrier.

The Jack Russell Terrier's characteristic is to be lovely, brave, spirited, devoted and fearless. They love their cuddles and attention and are eager to learn. They get along well with children and if correctly taught, they also accept cats and other small pets. However, you should never leave your Jack Russell Terrier unsupervised with other small pets, as he could still try to chase or eat them.

Betty, a happy senior lady :)
The happy and active Jack Russell Terrier, is a good and faithful family dog who is also not afraid to protect his pack. This can lead to barking, but with a good and solid training, it is no problem at all to find a well behaved companion by your side.
Even though the Jack Russell Terrier is an independent small little dog, he does not like to be left alone on its own for a very long time. He likes to explore and is always up for a good laugh as he can act quiet funny around his people. This will also be very helpful if you want to teach him funny- looking tricks as the small Terrier is very handy doing funny moves.

The smart, sporty Terrier who was originally breaded as a working dog, will fit perfectly into a family.

It might seems that this little dog doesn't need much exercise, but thats actually not the case.
With his working-dog background he is eager to run and wont be happy with no exercise or any kind of activity or training.
As every other dog (no matter what size they are) a mental- and body-stimulation will help to keep him balanced and good mannered.

He will be definitely up for a good long walk or even some brain-work, as the Jack Russell Terrier is often very intelligent.
They will also be very good at obedience training or to simply do funny show-off tricks.
If you are interested in Agility, Military training, scent/nose work or simply a circus-dog, you will find the perfect fit in the Jack Russell Terrier. :)
smart Henry

It is important that you also keep in mind, that the original hunting- and digging behaviour can still occur in ours today's Jack Russell Terrier.
If you don't want your garden to be digged up or don't appreciate certain hunting behaviors, it is recommended to start training your little friend as early as possible to show and teach him, what behaviour is wanted or not wanted in his new home.

With a consisted and disciplined (but positive reinforcement) training, you will reach a good and successful outcome. If the small Terrier receives a good structure in his life, he will become an obedient and well behaved dog.
Violence or any other negative form of training (choking collars, screaming, harsh handling) is absolutely not necessary as those little dogs are intelligent and eager to learn.
The Jack Russell Terrier is very attached to his leader but also welcomes and loves every other human or visitor if once correctly socialized.
The more experiences and socializing he gets as a puppy, the better he will get on with certain situations or people.

Having a rescue Jack Russell Terrier is also no problem as they require lots of love, patience and understanding to become a good and loyal companion.
This I can back-up with my own experience, as I have a Jack Russell Terrier cross on my own.

I hope you enjoy the time with your small and active Terrier, because they are simply fun dogs! :)

A client met up with her Jack Russell's and myself and Barney (JR cross) for training
training with a client outdoors
dog training also involves cuddles if you join Tricks with Clicks :)

If you liked this article, have any suggestion, critic or recommendation, please let me know via email ( or leave a comment below.

Stay tuned for the next months feature! :)

Cornelia xx

Wednesday 26 February 2014

New monthly feature

Dear dog friends,

I have fantastic news for you!

Every month you will find a breed-related topic in my blog, which will tell you more about certain dog breeds.
This new feature will start this month (even though February is almost over) and will feature the Jack Russell Terrier first!

Every following month you will be able to read about another different breed here.

I'm very excited about this and I hope you will enjoy the articles :)

If you would like to see your own dog's breed covered here, simply send me an email and let me know what breed-article you would like to find featured!

E-Mail me to: or simply leave a comment below this post!

Keep an eye out for the Jack Russell Terrier- feature in a few days :)

Cornelia xx

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Introduction offer

Are you wondering how exactly a "Tricks with Clicks" training session looks like?

Okay, lets have a look so! :)

The very first training session will be a so called "introduction session".

The very first session will be used to introduce you to the clicker training and gives you steps for how to start training your dog.

The introduction session will be also used to get to know your dog, which means that you tell me about your dog and also about your concern.
You can let me know if your dog experience any issues or if you simply want to start training him basic commands or tricks.
In this very first training session, we will speak about our further goals and training and adapt it to you and your dog!

The introduction lesson is available for only 10 Euro at the moment, so be quick and get in touch to book your appointment.
We can meet up at some location or I will come and visit you and your dog in your home to get started!

I'm looking forward to meet you and your dog :)

Cornelia x

Friday 31 January 2014

What breed is your dog?

Did you know, that the dog training is also influenced by your dogs breed?

Some breeds tend to be very smart and eager to learn and some breeds can't be bothered at all.

You might have a very smart dog at home, or maybe a very stubborn one who only wants to eat and sleep?
I've seen it all! :)

But this is no reason to be worried, because if you have a good understanding of your dog, the training can be still successful.
My dog training service is not only based on your own lifestyle and circumstances, it is also based on your dog and its background (if we know it).
I found it always very important to not just do or give instructions "out of the book", I think it is very important to how we apply them to our dogs.
Some dogs need a bit longer to understand certain commands and other dogs pick it up very easily.
If you know how to approach your dog and how to teach him a command in a way he understands, than the training is already half successful!

Let me give you a few examples of common breeds and how they tend to learn.

German Shepard:
German Shepard dogs are working dogs and are often very intelligent and protective. They are great watch dogs and therefore good to train. However, it is very important to actually "explain" them what you want, instead of just forcing them into some command.
With lots of understanding and practice you will find a good and well-behaved dog by your site.

Jack Russel Terrier:
Those little fellas were originally breed to hunt and catch small game.
They are very active and independent and need a good bond to their owner to listen.
As they can be stubborn too sometimes, it requires patience and good nerves to train them, but with consistency and a good knowledge of the breed you will have a small good dog who will bring lots of joy into you life.

American Staffordshire:

American Staffordshire dogs are great to train. With keeping the terrier in mind, a good balance of exercise and (obedience) training can make a great companion out of them.
They are sensible and don't necessarily require a "strong" hand for training. However, it is also important to stay consistent to ensure a good behaviour.

A Husky is not a dog for first-dog owners as they are quiet difficult to train sometimes.
They are sled dogs and were bred for a particular kind of climate (cold weather, rough circumstances, etc) , so you definitely need to keep this in mind.
You will find them often very independent and sometimes dominant, but as always: With a good understanding of the breed ,training (and lots of practice) you will have a good trained pal around you. Be prepared that it can be challenging.

Golden Retriever:

Golden Retriever's are delightful to train as they are eager to learn and to please their owner.
Even though they look so very cute and are often so simple to keep, you should not underestimate a lack of training or exercise.
However, they are lovely dogs and most certainly good for first-dog owners to train.

Are you interested to learn more about your own dog and its breed?

Simply post a comment and let me know! :)

Cornelia x

Wednesday 22 January 2014

New Question-offer ! NOW available

Did you see the latest changes on the new Tricks with Clicks - Homepage?

If not, check it out and have a look at the newest feature:

The Question- offer!

This might sounds funny to you, but let me shortly explain how it works.

In case you don't have time (or enough money) to get a training lesson for you and your dog, you can use this fantastic offer to get your questions answered.

Simple. Fast. Bargain.

After paying a small fee of 1,99 via Paypal or directly in the new SHOP , you can send me your email and your questions!

To find more information about this new offer, simply check out my homepage and click HERE.

If you have any more questions, just let me know! :)

Cornelia x

Tuesday 21 January 2014

"Free to a good home" advertisements

Very often I come across "free to a good home" advertisements.

I like to have a look around and watch advertisements or various re-homing sites. I would always come across these kind of advertisements and I have to say that they worry me a bit.

I cannot stress enough how important it is, too not give away your dog for free!

Did you know that there is cruel people out there who are looking for free dogs to use them as baits for dog fighting?
Not only do they get their bait-dogs that way, it seems that many stolen dogs (and cats) will also be used for dog fighting.

Please be always sure to re-home your dog into an appropriate environment and check the future household for your dog first!
It can help if you ask the potential new owner for their lifestyle and work habits to see if your dog will suit into the new family.
Make sure to point out your dogs habits, what kind of food he needs, how much exercise he likes etc.
It is also possible to ask for a home-check to make sure you know where your dog goes to in case you found the new owners!

This can save your buddies life! If you cant keep your dog, make sure he will have a good new life in his future home. :)